VEHICALL, a Swiss company specialised in the creation and management of remote databases, announces the English version of its innovative Web site:
This free service allows to click any point on the map in any one of 241 countries, islands and territories to instantly find and compare all the rentals within a given maximum distance of that point.
Just click on a beach, a village, a tourist attraction, the middle of a lake or the top of a mountain to find and compare all closest rentals !
This Web site is a télétoposite (from the Greek words tele=distance and topos=place). It computes the precise distance of any advertised goods, products or services from any point clicked on the map. The precision of the geolocalisation is +/- 10 yards for the whole Earth ! The GPS latitude and longitude co-ordinates for each rental is displayed along with a zoomable map showing its exact location.
Each ad, containing 22 characteristics, is recorded as numerical data, and because numbers are universal, there is no need for any translation – every ad can be read and understood everywhere, whatever the language. Only the search page and the related explanations must be available in the language of the Net surfers. After the French and English languages now available, the Spanish, Italian and German languages are planned for the beginning of 2006…
For the geolocalisation, in order to guarantee a complete geographical and linguistic universality, no name of area, locality or street, no postal code is and does not have to be used on VEHICALL. So no more typing or spelling problems with (foreign) names !
The rental prices can be displayed in any one of 147 currencies available at daily rate.
Up to 270,000 rental ads are analysed per second. Thanks to the database format and the proprietary algorithms, a single 1 GB USB key can store more than 17 millions rental ads.
More than 11,400 rentals are currently offered on line, a true success for this very smart and efficient concept proposed on !
Germain Leutwyler (
Director, VEHICALL
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